Thank god that I'm still alive!! :') Hate myself for being such a moron who doesn't check the weather before going to snowboarding.
Snowboarding was amazing, much easier and cooler than skiing. Everything was absolutely great till 4pm, when my dad and I decided to challenge the "expert lane" (really don't wanna regret for not trying it!), which is about 3 times higher than the "family lane"-- alt...itude 1,100m.
After riding on the cable lift, only then we could see storm approaching from miles away. By the time we reached the top, the slopes were so steep and there's no way for beginners like us to skate down. But taking cable lift down is strictly prohibited (god knows why!).
We stood in the storm, middle of nowhere, with no one's around and with no equipment other than our snowboards (not even goggles)! We then decided to take off the snowboard and walk down because the weather was getting worse. It was definitely the toughest journey I've ever experienced in my life, I really thought that we're gonna die in the storm. What made it worse was my snowboard slipped off halfway, and we had to go off-track to find it, the depth of the snow was high up to my chest!!
It took us more than an hour to reach the ground, and were informed that the skiing area had been closed down due to the storm just a few minutes after we took the lift up (damn unlucky I know ><).
Throughout the journey, I sprained both my knees, both my wrists, right elbow and neck. With all the bruises, frost bites, and scratches on my face, it was truly an unforgettable experience.. Scary yet invaluable.
Once again thank god for everything! (Now looking at the heavy storm through my hotel's window..) — at Mt Niseko Annupuri. Altitude 1308.See More
Thanks for Everyone who gav me present and wished me Happy Bday, thanks to all ur wishes I really enjoyed my bday to the MAX :)) And of cos my BELOVED Family!! Jiayan Hui I Love u FOREVER and ur crumpler cam bag is super awesome

It was one of the precious experiences
helping Dr to deliver the twins
Be Happy in the moment,that's enough
It's time for a birthday speech,First of all, I'd like to thank the 2 awesome FRAPERS Chong Wai Weng & Paul Chong, for coming over at 12am with my favourite cheese cake and fraping my fb 99 love u all brothers.
Sorry to those who gt pranked! ><Kok Hin Leon Lim I love u ! THANK U ALOT ALOT ALOT for planning and stuff ><" U were totally right, It's definitely one of my most memorable Bday celebra...tion EVERRR!!! U hav literally brought birthday surprise into a whole new level, surprising claimed that there's no surprise as a surprise, but in fact surprises came one after another, My Heart almost couldnt take it.Sheila Wong <3Thanks for being the awesome photographer, I think I've nvr had so many pics of myself really! and ur so talented.Erica Subhas I heart u! for the super awesome and touching video, very nicely edited !! I was lik shivering non stop man ><Margaret Tzai Lenglui!! thanks for choosing the present for me, sorry tat I'm so noob tat I din even know wad Braun Buffel was, I tot it's an underwear brand! Love it, and sorry for being so horny today hahaaPeiNee Chang, Marky, Alden, Jordan- ALL the kiasu liersss :DDD
U guys really surprised me, I actually fell for ur trick!! U all deserve an oscar award really!!PeiErn, Eugene, SiangWen, WuTzen- I love u all!! Thanks for coming and I really really love & appreciate itDaniel, Julian, Lillian- Thanks Christian ppl!! Really appreciate ur appearance even after ur CF event :))SeanLai, Hannah, Abigail- I still love u all from the bottom of my heart I totally understand and its the heart tat matters!Having Friends lik u all, What more can I ask for?! Im the most blisful guy on earth! Happy 18th Bday to myself!!

The most important thing is to enjoy your life - to be happy - it's all that matters.
Learn to enjoy every minute of your life. Be happy now. Don't wait for something outside of yourself to make you happy in the future. Think how really precious is the time you have to spend, whether it's at work or with your family. Every minute should be enjoyed and savored.