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Friendship is a special love. And as well all know, a true friend is hard to find. So when you do find one, hang on tight! It also doesn't hurt to let them know every now and then just how much they mean to you.

My awesome friend (Janice Ho )
I am very thankful and blessed to have such a kind and caring friend like her.
My best ex-colleagues gathering March 2013

Our best friends in Tokyo ( Dr Maekawa , Dr Sasaki and Dr Jun Okabayashi )

Dr Maekawa's visit to Malaysia in Jan 2013
芙蓉市 石拿督景点区 闽南加保博物馆 波得申海滨 布城 马来西亚政府建立的新市镇 吉隆坡塔 金马伦高原 云顶高原 法国村 怡保市 太平湖 槟城极乐寺 睡佛

My Over Twenty Years Ex- Colleagues

My hubby's best friend's ( Dr Maekawa ) fantastic Japanese historical resort

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